Many Databases, One Interface

Single Interface for Multiple Databases

A flexible front-end for Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL

It's common for companies to use different databases for different applications. Kirix Strata™ makes it really easy to access and view all those databases using a single, friendly interface. View your tables, copy and filter them, perform cross-database queries, and edit cells. You can even use SQL statements if you'd like. With Kirix Strata you can:

  • Perform cross-database queries
  • Move data tables from one system to another via drag and drop
  • View, filter, sort and create instant calculated fields using a rich UI
  • Edit individual cells in your tables for cleaning up dirty data
  • Create PDF reports from your database tables in minutes

Watch a 90-second demonstration

For a more in-depth look, check out the video on opening, saving and converting data as well as the video on using the query builder.

Try Strata for Free!

It's easy and risk-free; download a free, unrestricted 30 day trial of Strata now! The installation only takes a few minutes, so you can start working with your data immediately.

If you'd like to take a little more time to explore further, we'd suggest you'd take a look at the Strata overview video or check out some other example applications. And, if you have any questions, please just let us know, we're always happy to help.