View Menu

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Menu Reference > View Menu


Below are explanations and links related to the items in the View Menu:





The top of the view menu is context sensitive and enables you to switch the view based on the document type you are working with.  The following view are associated with each of the following documents:


Web Pages: Web Page view and Source view (html code)
Tables:  Table view, Design (structure) view and, if a text-file, a Source view (text parsing controls)
Reports: Design view (template) and Layout view (print preview)
Queries: Design view (query definition), Table view (query result), SQL view (SQL statement)
Scripts:  Scripts only have a single view, which is the script text editor.




Expands to provide controls for moving between windows and tiling tabs vertically or horizontally.  Both of these can also be accomplished my selecting tabs and dragging them to the window edges, respectively.




Expands to provide a menu for different zoom options you can use when working with reports.  Provides the ability to increase and decrease the zoom, size the window to fit or to width or return to the default 100% zoom level.


Navigation Toolbar


Toggles the Navigation Toolbar on and off.


Bookmarks Toolbar


Toggles the Bookmarks Toolbar on and off.


Format Toolbar


Toggle the Format Toolbar on and off.


Status Bar


Toggles the status bar on and off.  The status bar includes icons for toggling panels on and off, a status bar for operations that are processing, record count and other information related to the current window.


Project Panel


Toggles the project panel on and off.  The project panel can also be toggled using the icon on the bottom left of the software in the status bar.


Console Panel


Toggles the console panel on and off, which can be use for entering SQL statements.


Fields Panel


Toggles the fields panel, which lists the fields for a given table, on and off.  The fields panel can also be toggled using the icon on the bottom left of the software in the status bar.


Marks Panel


Toggles the marks panel on and off.  The marks panel can also be toggled using the icon on the bottom left of the software in the status bar.


Full Screen


Changes the view to full screen.  To toggle back to the regular view, select F11.