Using Projects

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A Project is a "virtual" place where your tables, bookmarks, scripts, reports and other items are stored.  Projects are used by Strata as a way to organize your data so you can keep everything in one place.  All files related to your project are managed and organized within the project panel, where you can do things such as add, rename and delete data sets or other items.


A project is required for Strata to function, so a default project is set up upon installation.  For example, for most Windows users, your path will be:  C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Kirix Strata Projects\Default Project.  You can just use the default project for all your files or you can create as many additional projects as you desire.  However, note that in order to transfer files from one project to another, you'll need to first export them from one project and then import them into the other project.


NOTE: The project folder contains files that can only be used and interpreted by Strata.  The main project folder can be moved to a different location; however, you should not move or change any folders or files within a project folder or you will corrupt your project and lose data.  Instead, use the software itself to add, change, move or export data within a given project.



Learn More


For further information about Projects, please see the following:


Using the Project Manager

Using the Project Panel