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Working with Formulas > Functions Used in Formulas > Conversion Functions > Str()


STR() can be used in two ways. The first way to use STR() is to input a number with an optionally specified precision. STR() returns a character string with the number rounded to the specified precision. IF no precision is specified, the function returns a number rounded to zero decimal places.


The second way to use STR() is to input a date as the parameter. STR() returns a character string in a YYYYMMDD format from the specified date expression. If a null date is specified, the function returns a string of eight zeros.


Function Format


STR(number [, precision]) 




Return Value


STR() returns a character string





STR(10.5) = "11"


STR(1.23456789, 2) = "1.23"


STR(5.555555, 2) = "5.56"


STR(DATE(2002, 12, 25)) = "20021225"


STR(DATE("11/05/2002")) = "20021105"