Developer Resources
The SystemColors class provides access to system colors.
- SystemColors.ActiveBorder
- The color of the active window's border.
- SystemColors.ActiveCaption
- The color of the background in the the active window's title bar.
- SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText
- The color of the text in the active window's title bar.
- SystemColors.AppWorkspace
- The color of the application workspace.
- SystemColors.ButtonFace
- The face color of a button element.
- SystemColors.ButtonHighlight
- The highlight color of a button element.
- SystemColors.ButtonShadow
- The shadow color of a button element.
- SystemColors.ButtonText
- The text color of a button element.
- SystemColors.ControlDarkShadow
- The dark shadow color of a 3D element.
- SystemColors.ControlFace
- The face color of a 3D element.
- SystemColors.ControlHighlight
- The highlight color of a 3D element.
- SystemColors.ControlLight
- The light color of a 3D element.
- SystemColors.ControlShadow
- The shadow color of a 3D element.
- SystemColors.ControlText
- The color of text in a 3D element.
- SystemColors.Desktop
- The color of the desktop.
- SystemColors.GrayText
- The color of dimmed text.
- SystemColors.Highlight
- The color of the background of selected items.
- SystemColors.HighlightText
- The color of the text of selected items.
- SystemColors.InactiveBorder
- The color of an inactive window's border.
- SystemColors.InactiveCaption
- The color of the background of an inactive window's title bar.
- SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText
- The color of the text in an inactive window's title bar.
- SystemColors.Info
- The color of the background of a ToolTip.
- SystemColors.InfoText
- The color of the text of a ToolTip.
- SystemColors.Menu
- The color of a menu's background.
- SystemColors.MenuText
- The color of a menu's text.
- SystemColors.ScrollBar
- The color of the background of a scroll bar.
- SystemColors.Window
- The color of the background in the client area of a window.
- SystemColors.WindowFrame
- The color of a window frame.
- SystemColors.WindowText
- The color of the text in the client area of a window.