Beta No More: Say Hello to Kirix Strata…
We're pleased to announce that Kirix Strata™ is now officially out of beta! A lot of hard work and late nights of coding have been put into this li'l tool and we hope it makes people's lives a little bit easier when it comes to data analysis.
Thanks to everyone who has been involved in the beta process — we'll get those free licenses rolled out to you within the week.
Also, you'll notice a big ol' website redesign too. We want to give a special shout out to Jeff, Benni, Peter and David for the bang up job they did with the design and implementation of the website. And, here's our new overview video, check it out:
(And here's an embeddable YouTube version…)
Now that Strata is out, we're looking forward to adding a lot more content to the site, in terms of more data-centric blog posts, product applications, tips & tricks as well as some open-source projects that we've been working on in the background. Oh yes, we also have a load of extensions that we are planning to release too. So much to do, so little time.
Thanks again to everyone. Please download the full version of Strata and try it out for 30 days free. If you have any questions, feel free to post a message to the forums or shoot us an email.